As I commented in previous post, my first contact with quadcopters was accidentally. In Kings Day I received a very little toy, Syma X12S, as a gift. It was the beginning and my first steps in the hobby. Some time later, after get considerable experience and many more flights done, I must say you I began with one of most recommendable quadcopter to begin with, maybe the best. It’s obviously a quadcopter to fly inside because of his size, but I am also sure that it’s the best way to begin, flying inside. Why? You would flight in a “very controlled area” and always with a close view of the quad. Obviously, you will be crashing time after time, but these accidents will be not so severe for the little toy as in outside location would be. Currently it’s very common to find a large list of microquads close to this Syma X12S, and I pretty sure that so much of these are very good to flight, but I am talking about my experience. Trust me if I tell you that choose this quad ...